The teaching of science at St Philip’s aims to give all children a strong understanding of the world around them whilst acquiring specific skills and knowledge to help them to think scientifically, to gain an understanding of scientific processes and also an understanding of the uses and implications of science, today and for the future. As children progress through school, they will access prior knowledge from previous year groups as well as apply newly learnt scientific skills in their current learning and topics. We promote “working scientifically” skills across throughout each year group to ensure that children can apply their knowledge of science when conducting experiments, explaining concepts and asking questions about the impact of science on the world we live in today.
Our curriculum aims to ensure that all learners:
- Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
- Develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
- Are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.

Science is taught as a discrete lesson and can be embedded across the curriculum using cross-curricular links with other subjects. Science lessons occur weekly in each year group to ensure that all objectives are covered and met for each topic, EYFS have Science based continuous provision areas to access and challenge the children and they learn Science concepts as part of their ‘Understanding the World’ topic. The teachers have a positive attitude to the subject to ensure that it is taught using engaging and, as often as possible, practical methods to encourage the children to develop an interest within the subject. Science lessons are planned and topics to be taught are arranged by the class teacher. Through this planning we ensure that children are given opportunities to ‘work scientifically’ and to solve problems and carry out experiments/tests, that allow them to discover the answers to their questions. Planning of Science ensures that prior knowledge is built upon and assessment for learning strategies are used to assist teachers with planning their next steps within the subject.
The science curriculum at St Philip’s is supported with enrichment activities such as visitors, trips and theme days. Our wonderful school grounds and local environment also provide many rich learning experiences which develops the awe and wonder associated with scientific discovery. As a result, science at St Philip’s is contextualised into everyday life and experienced through first hand experiences.
The impact of science is measured in a variety of ways. As the subject is taught weekly, teachers are provided with the opportunity to track pupils’ learning and provide feedback to them on a week-to-week basis over the course of each science topic. Staff use the assessment statements available on the school-tracking programme to assess what objectives each child has achieved and any gaps that need addressing. This gives teachers the opportunity to assess how children’s knowledge and skills have developed throughout each topic. Science lessons are adapted and differentiated through task and task outcomes to ensure that it is accessible for all children of all abilities. There is a clear progression shown in children’s work and evidence of curriculum coverage for all Science topics and as children progress through the year groups they show more independence when carrying out more pupil led investigations. Children at St Philip’s show a real love/enthusiasm for science and have a good understanding of how the topics they learn about are relevant to their own lives.