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Welcome  to  our  mathematics  curriculum school  page.  Fundamentally, at St.  Philip’s we  promote the strong belief that all children can achieve in mathematics. We want all of our children to develop a sense of enjoyment  and  curiosity  about  the  importance  of  mathematics  in understanding  the  changing  world. Mathematics is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and necessary for financial literacy. Through our positive and nurturing learning ethos, mistakes and misconceptions are seen as an essential part  of  the  learning  process  for  all children.  Indeed, across  school we  teach  for  a  secure  and  deep understanding of key mathematical concepts.


We aim for all children to:

  • Become fluent  in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent  practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that  all children  have conceptual  understanding and are able to recall and apply their knowledge rapidly and accurately to solve problems.
  • Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing  relationships and generalisations and developing an argument through the confident use of key mathematical terms.
  • Solve problems by applying their mathematical skills to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with  increasing sophistication, including breaking own  problems into a series of simpler steps and preserving in seeking solutions.


At St. Philip's CE Primary School, children study mathematics daily and they encounter a broad and balanced curriculum that includes elements of number, calculation, geometry, measures and  statistics. The  White  Rose  scheme  of  work  is  used  primarily  (supplemented  by  other resources  like the  NCETM  Mastery  Document)  to help all children to not only develop their mathematical methods, but also their  understanding  of  key vocabulary and to broaden and deepen their mathematical understanding of key concepts.

Our  aim  is for  every  child to  be confident  in each yearly objective  and we  use a  range of resources to ensure that our maths curriculum is specific to each child's learning journey  and their  individual  needs.  Children  across  school  complete  homework  activities  using  online resources  like  Numbots, TT  Rockstars  and  MyMaths. These resources  help the children to consolidate  their  mathematical  understanding  of  key  concepts  and  strategies.  Class  Dojo pages are also used to model good practice of how children can use the key methods and strategies being taught across school (e.g. the bar model and part whole-model).

The Early Learning Goals are used to ensure continuity and progression from the Early Years Foundation Stage through to the National Curriculum  Statutory requirement for the learning and teaching of Mathematics are laid out In the National Curriculum Mathematics Document (20 74)  At St Philip’s all learning and teaching is done In accordance with these


Throughout each lesson formative assessment takes place to identify children's strengths and future areas for development. Feedback and marking further highlights and identifies next steps that help all children to progress further in their maths learning, whilst also addressing any misconceptions or common errors that they may have. Teachers use this information to plan future lessons, whilst a progression document is currently being used to identify possible gaps in learning due to the recent pandemic.

Each term children in Year 1-Year 6 complete the White Rose assessments for arithmetic, reasoning and problem solving. Teachers also utilise the Rising Stars Arithmetic Tests and end of unit White Rose assessments (supplemented by the work completed by the children in their daily maths lessons) to build-up a clear and coherent understanding of the children's progress and attainment.


Mathematics Long Term Plan

Mathematics Home Learning Links
